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Blog: copenhagen09

Public have a say on climate solutions

By Ada Lee
[email protected]

In the basketball courts in DGI-byen, where the alternative forum takes place, there are no basketballs or players. Instead there are booths, tables and memos filling the space.

The Meshwork thinks everyone holds a puzzle piece to climate solutions

The Meshwork is organised by the 2020 Climate Leadership Campaign, and is one of the [...]

Waste-pickers want to save the planet

By Shannon Swainston
[email protected]

There are over 15 million waste-pickers worldwide. Waste-pickers make their living from collecting rubbish and taking it to recycling plants. For many, it is not only a job, but a livelihood too.

Baby Mohite speaks passionately about waste-picking, which she has been doing for 20 years

Today members from Waste-picker [...]

Klimaforum starts with sound of the ice

by Ada Lee
[email protected]

The alternative climate forum, Klimaforum, kicks off with Danish percussionst Lisbeth Diers and her orchestra playing music on instruments made of ice.

Lisbeth Diers plays on instruments made of ice in the opening ceremony

The ceremony started at 6pm. After some board members of the forum gave their speech, Diers performed her percussion on [...]

Alternative Climate Forum opens today

by Ada Lee
[email protected]

Klimaforum, the alternative climate forum parallel to the official UN climate forum, will hold its opening ceremony this evening.

The opening ceremony will start at 6pm. Environmentalist and writer Naomi Klein and Chairman of Friends of the Earth Nnimmo Bassey will attend the ceremony.  An orchestra will also perform its music on instruments made [...]


It's done - COP15 was from 7-18 December 2009 - and did not reach the expected results. We (the student newsroom and lab) worked from 6-15 December - and reached more than we expected.

See ALL our stories here: