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Blog: copenhagen09

G77 want $200 billion from US

By Shannon Swainston
[email protected]

The ambassador to the G77 countries and China called out for the United States to pay $200 billion to “save the world” with regards to their climate change efforts.

Lumumba Stanislaus Dia Ping, ambassador to G77 countries and China, fielded questions from journalists over his demands of the US

At a press conference today, [...]

Protest against Obama’s Nobel Prize

Young demonstrators carrying torches

By Jenny Jägerhorn
[email protected]

A torchlight demonstration against Barack Obama being awarded the Nobel Peace Prize tomorrow was held this afternoon at the US Embassy in Copenhagen. The demonstration was organized by a number of Danish grassroot organisations.

Around 30 policemen were waiting outside the US Embassy on the opposite side of the street [...]


It's done - COP15 was from 7-18 December 2009 - and did not reach the expected results. We (the student newsroom and lab) worked from 6-15 December - and reached more than we expected.

See ALL our stories here: