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    Recommendations at closing session Beyond Kyoto

    Introducing the seven recommendations at the Beyond Kyoto closing ceremony.

    Introducing the seven recommendations at the Beyond Kyoto closing ceremony.

    Money and private investments; this is what the climate summit in Copenhagen in December needs more than anything, if the world’s leaders want it to succeed. This was the clear message from the more than 1.000 experts and other participants assembled at the Beyond Kyoto conference, when it closed late Friday after two days of discussions. Without these investments, it will be hard to find solutions for global warming and climate change.

    Seven professors from Aarhus University worked with CONCITO, a green think tank, to sum up recommendations for the seven themes of the conference.

    The participants from all themes agreed that global warming is one of the greatest challenges facing the globe. The government, the private sector and the civil society will all have to work together to solve the climate change problem. Money for new innovations was the keyword at the conclusion of the conference.

    Many innovative theories were introduced. One of them was to establish a new carbon currency which directly stimulates use of new fossil free technologies. The final recommendations also included increased use of nanotechnology and the integration of biodiversity in the battle against climate changes.

    The full recommendations will eventually be available at the Beyond Kyoto’s homepage.

    By Rianne Kleistra

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